5 Natural Ingredients for Health


Natural Healthy - Your relatives or neighbors may have recommended using various natural ingredients for your health. So that the pain you suffer gets better quickly, with all kinds of other advice. So, is the advice passed down from generation to generation about health really scientifically true or is it just a myth? It turns out that some of these ancient "medicine recipes" have indeed proven useful. What are the natural ingredients for health that have been passed down from generation to generation, see the explanation below:
1. Kencur dregs for sprained or sore feet
For generations, kencur rhizome is known as a medicine to relieve pain due to muscle disorders. Even the kencur rhizome is also recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in the Regulation of the Minister of Health concerning the Formulary of Indonesian Traditional Medicines as a source of Indonesian plants used for aches and pains and sprains.
Usually kencur will be mashed with rice and enough water. Then this herb is affixed to the affected area and left to dry. A solution of water containing kencur is often also called param rice kencur.
Kencur turns out to be effective for overcoming pain due to sprains or feeling sore. Because, kencur has anti-inflammatory properties and also warms the sick part.
In addition, the essential oil content in kencur has analgesic power, which is to reduce pain. Therefore, it is not surprising that kencur can indeed reduce pain when you are sprained or achy.

2. If you are sick with dengue, drink guava juice to get well soon
Dengan hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is commonly found in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Well, if someone has DHF, almost everyone will suggest you drink guava juice. It's not just a myth, it turns out that this natural ingredient for health really helps.
The content of vitamin C in guava fruit is quite large. Vitamin C has a role as an antioxidant compound that can repair cell membrane damage due to free radical attack.
Another substance that is no less important is quercetin in guava. Quercetin is used to treat the fragility of human capillaries, and has an antiploriferative effect on DNA. With this effect, guava can inhibit the proliferation of dengue virus in the sufferer's body.
If the development of this virus is hampered, it will reduce the severity of the attack from the virus. Bleeding that is often feared in cases of DHF can also be prevented. Well, it turns out that the assumption of parents from ancient times is scientifically proven to be right in helping the treatment of dengue fever.

3. Mangosteen peel for cholesterol
For people with high cholesterol, you may often hear that mangosteen is one of the natural ingredients for effective health. Some are processed into boiled water of mangosteen peel, mixed in tea, brewed into drinks, made into juice, or extracted.
Basically, mangosteen contains xanthones. Xanthones are polyphenolic substances that provide strong antioxidant effects. Xanthones in the body will powerfully destroy free radicals that can cause inflammation and other diseases.
Xanthones are also found in the skin of the mangosteen. Xanthones can inhibit the process of forming cholesterol or what is known as cholesterogenesis before it continues to become cholesterol.
Research written in the Scientific Journal of Medicine in 2015 showed that giving mangosteen rind in the form of an extract can reduce serum total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

4. Drink turmeric for ulcers
Ulcer is one of the common diseases in society. One of the causes of ulcers is diseases related to stomach acid, for example bacterial infections in the stomach, gastric acid reflux (GERD), or stomach ulcers.
Talking about ulcers, this cannot be separated from the message of old people from ancient times who said that consuming turmeric is good for ulcers. It's not even just an ulcer but for other digestive disorders.
Reporting from the Healthline page, turmeric itself is basically a plant that is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances. Turmeric contains the compound curcumin, which is a natural source of antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer properties.
Based on research in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, the condition of gastric acid reflux requires antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances to relieve it. This substance can be found in turmeric, namely curcumin.

5. Drink kencur juice for cough medicine

Kencur is a plant that is widely found in Indonesia and has been passed down from generation to generation as a natural ingredient for health. In addition to over coming soreness as a param, kencur is also often recommended to treat coughs. Since the time of your ancestors, you may often hear the suggestion to drink kencur juice as a cough medicine. As it turns out, this is not random advice. In fact, the rhizome of kencur is indeed an expectorant plant, which is to produce phlegm or mucus. Therefore, kencur can help expel phlegm that is still obstructed in people who have a cough. Written by Rr. Bamandhita Rahma Setiaji
